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Collaborative project Mobility for All!
This project is aimed at encouraging a maximum number of target groups to use Trage Wegen (slow roads) - cycle and pedestrian paths - for their journeys for functional and tourist purposes.  We have noticed that a great deal of effort has gone in to opening up these Trage Wegen, but it is also necessary to encourage as many target groups as possible to use them by improving cycling skills.

The ageing population that we see in both Wallonia and Flanders brings in its wake a problem of insufficient means of transport and in turn an increase in the problem of isolation.  This target group has been specifically included in the project.

In view of the context outlined here, we recommend focusing via this project on the various functions and possibilities offered by the network of cycle and pedestrian paths. In this instance we focus in particular on the aspect of insufficient means of transport, the social dimension of cycling in residential care centres and the health benefits of cycling.
Duration  : 23/6/2020 till 31/6/2021
Cooperation between LEADER-area
Flanders :
  • LEADER-Werking Hageland vzw
Wallonia :
  • Gal Romana ASBL
  • GAL Pays de l'Ourthe
  • GAL Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse
  • GAL Botte du Hainaut
  • GAL
Flemisch Initiator : (substantive and financial part) Flemish  Co-initiator : (substantive and financial part)
  • Vzw Sint Annendael Grauwzusters (Scherpenheuvel-Zichem & Diest)
  • OCMW Hoegaarden (gemeente Hoegaarden)
  • Stad Zoutleeuw
  • Vzw Stijn (Zoutleeuw)
 Flemish partners : (substantive part)
  • Vzw Bij ons Thuis
  • LEADER-werking Hageland
  • Toerisme voor allen

Projected budget for the Flemish part of the project:
Budget : 67.519 €
Subsidy : 47.289,25 €

Specific planned actions for Hageland:
1 cycling school will be started up
5 special bicycles will be purchased for  residential care centres in the region
The whole will be concluded by a joint study day.